"Outdoor Learning helps people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities reflect and learn about themselves, each other and their environment." Institute of Outdoor Learning.
To invest in Outdoor Learning by promoting, supporting, and delivering essential, exciting and inclusive outdoor contexts for learning, which transform lives and develop lifelong respect for the natural world. Any surplus funds from the commercial activity are directed straight to our core purpose. We invest in skills, expertise, training, buildings and resources to champion and deliver Outdoor Learning.
Outdoor Learning is a critical context for learning. A is a broad term that provides hands-on, real-world practical experiences. Includes discovery and experimentation, stimulating curiosity and developing an appreciation of the world around us; resulting in significant learning, health and wellbeing benefits.
We regard Outdoor Learning as an entitlement that should be
- Meaningful, engaging, and enjoyable
- Safe
- Purposeful, planned, routine and regular
- Progressive; building on prior knowledge, skills and experiences
- Open to all ages, backgrounds and abilities
- Supportive and challenging with high expectations
- Active; engaging in play, sports, and adventurous activities
- Delivered by competent, well-trained, and enthusiastic staff and volunteers.
We believe Outdoor Learning should be about
- Connecting with the natural world and learning about sustainability
- Appreciating, respecting and knowing our local community, Edinburgh, Scotland and beyond
- Risk education - learning about how we can practically manage risk within real contexts
- Actively involving participants, including young people, in programme design, delivery and evaluation
- Complementing and enhancing curriculum areas, broader achievement and community-based provision - integrated learning in both formal and informal settings
- Personal and social development; education and reflecting about ourselves and each other
- Celebrating accomplishments
- Creating genuinely memorable moments in all our lives and for most - the beginning of lifelong engagement in the outdoors, including learning, leisure and employment
- Reviewing provision and outcomes, with first-class service delivery and development.
11 pillars of our Outdoor Learning team
Our set of core values, which are the primary navigational tools that underpin our work. They are a constant; flowing through our workforce, centres and provision
Inspiring adventures
We believe all people have an instinct for adventure. Our work involves adventurous journeys, destinations and outcomes. In its broadest definition, this ranges from direct delivery of adventure courses to supporting clients in improving and developing their Outdoor Learning. Involving innovative and creative journeys to challenge ourselves and others to overcome barriers, problem solve, build on the past, support the present and plan for the future. Our adventures are the canvas on which we paint all our other values.
A love of wild places
We see beauty in wild places, in the sky, in movements. The journey through life should be a continuous search for beauty; beauty in our surroundings, in wild places, in the rivers, the lochs, the mountains and the forests. Our love of wild places is in our thoughts and actions. Our provision reflects this love. We love working with people in the outdoors. We love seeing people explore their capabilities and we love celebrating their reflections on their achievements. There is a natural progression from awareness of, to respect for and finally to love of nature.
Being honest with ourselves, each other and with the surrounding world underpin our work. We strengthen the search for truth with knowledge and common sense.
It is no coincidence that the moments when we are most proud of ourselves require a degree of commitment, determination, and energy. We believe it is essential to recognise that, through endeavour and effort, the answers to the questions of “Who am I?”, “Where am I going?” and “How do I get there?” are more evident. We approach challenges with a positive attitude. The journey may be hard, but the destination is well worth it.
We have a responsibility to ourselves, to others and the environment. With freedom comes great responsibility. Creating a fairer, responsible society, where everyone can participate and fulfil their potential is central to our role.
We are curious. We enjoy learning. We are excited to find out new things and sharing our discoveries with others. It is a thirst that can be quenched for a short time and will soon return; time and time again.
No act of genuine compassion, however small, is ever wasted. Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Generosity in giving builds trusting relationships. We believe in treating people the way we want to be treated and in helping everyone.
Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. Having integrity means that you don't take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules and success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square.
Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. We share adventures with empathy for how others are feeling.
It is no accident that the moments of our lives when we are most proud and feel most accomplishment are those when we have tried our utmost to succeed. It requires determination, effort and is often not comfortable. But the commitment to the venture turns a plan or a promise into reality.
We believe that self-respect leads to self-discipline. There is no respect for others without humility and respect in one's self. Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.
We are all committed to these core values; developing these within ourselves and others.