"Instructors were very good at building relationships with the children and helping push them out of their comfort zone." The Glasgow Academy.
A progressive residential course that provides additional experiences and challenges by journeying to and from an overnight wild camp in a remote location. This course builds on past experiences and provides a school with the opportunity to develop an innovative off-site progressive programme for learners. It is ideal for participants who have experienced our Adventure Education Core course or something similar and will benefit from widening and developing their skills, knowledge and understanding via a unique, challenging and rewarding expedition.
Each activity group, generally up to ten participants, will journey via a hill walk, canoe, bike and skis to a remote overnight camp. You will usually be expected to commit to all participants undertaking some directed preparatory work before arriving at the centre. The practice helps to integrate the residential within your school curriculum and will support their expedition preparations.
We deliver a team building adventure.
We focus on skills training and overnight wild camp preparation. Both are providing firm foundations for the adventure ahead.
These will be spent journeying and adventuring further into the National Park, reaching a remote and wild camp, and then returning to the centre. An amazing experience.
Course delivery has a growth mindset philosophy and includes our six core elements
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Resilience
- Weather
- Nutrition
- Positive communication.
For those schools following the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), we can incorporate a range of Experiences and Outcomes to build on the four CfE capacities, and integrate learning for sustainability.
Participants learn about personal and group risk management through their preparations and expedition. Altogether, this provides an endless opportunity to apply cross-curricular learning via practical outdoor experiences. The course can be adjusted to include broader achievement awards such as JASS and the John Muir Award and critical milestones, including P7 to S1 transition.
Each group will typically have a dedicated instructor who builds relationships quickly and adjusts the course in partnership with you and the participants to maximise support and challenge. We augment past experiences to ensure they achieve and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding within an expedition context. Participants will have time to reflect on their experiences and discuss their next challenge!
There is a developing set of resources to support cross-curriculum learning, which assists in making the expedition an integral part of your school curriculum.
Please contact Benmore Outdoor Centre or Lagganlia Outdoor Centre to find out more and discuss the different options.
Example user groups: Primary 7 and Secondary school groups.
Benmore Outdoor Centre
by Dunoon
Argyll PA23 8QX
01369 706 337
Lagganlia Outdoor Centre
Kincraig PH21 1NG
01540 651 265