"The outdoor environment has massive potential for learning. We are extremely fortunate to have such rich urban and rural environments on our doorsteps and our children and young people’s learning experiences can be enhanced by maximising the potential of the outdoor." Curriculum for Excellence through outdoor learning.
Environmental field studies courses in wild and remote locations developing the skills of inquiry and investigation using practical techniques. Use adventurous journeying to access inspiring and appropriate sites. Available at all academic levels, including SQA Higher and Advanced Higher Geography and Biology.
These specialist residential courses deliver up to date content for National 4 and 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Biology and Geography programmes.
Courses provide a framework for inquiry and investigation; allowing participants to develop and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding. Our provision produced in partnership with our Schools and Communities Development Officer, DO, based in Edinburgh, who is an experienced Secondary Teacher.
Opportunities exist for our DO to work with schools and our experienced centre staff to create highly bespoke courses across unique environments and habitats.
Our courses allow participants to
- Develop curiosity and understanding of the environment
- Develop the skills of inquiry and investigation using practical techniques
- Apply safety measures and take necessary actions to control risk and hazards
- Develop skills in the accurate use of language, formulae and equations
- Develop an understanding of the earth’s resources and the need for responsible use of them
- Express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon a sound understanding.
Based on our commitment to lifelong learning, we can work with individuals to encourage, explore and establish
- Permanent interests in field studies
- Further education in related subjects
- Future careers in environment-related work.
Our courses generally integrate adventurous activity, not as a bolt-on but a means to access wild and remote study areas. The classes are a key and unique part of our offer. We can also focus on one or more of our six core elements of residential experiences
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Resilience
- Weather
- Nutrition
- Positive communication.
Our courses are highly flexible and can be adjusted to support your specialisms and experiences. For example, we can provide instructors who encourage you in accessing key study locations, with your staff leading on the subject-specific content. Many school staff enjoy this flexibility and welcome the opportunity to integrate their subject knowledge and skills actively. This flexibility provides a valuable and unique opportunity for professional development among the team.
Why not join with another school or cluster to develop your visit together and share skills through meaningful professional development?
We do not provide rigid off-the-shelf experiences and are committed to designing and delivering the right course and experience for you!
Please contact Benmore Outdoor Centre or Lagganlia Outdoor Centre to find out more and discuss the different options.
Example user groups: National 4 and 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Biology and Geography.
Benmore Outdoor Centre
by Dunoon
Argyll PA23 8QX
01369 706 337
Lagganlia Outdoor Centre
Kincraig PH21 1NG
01540 651 265